Tired of Salesforce’s 6-click-per-file upload?  Looking to quickly attach multiple files to any record?  You’re in luck!

Try Dragger for 21 days – free!

Dragger for Salesforce allows users to attach any number of files to a record via the Chatter Feed or Notes and Attachments sections.

Core Functionality:

  • Drag and drop multiple files (up to 2GB apiece) to the Chatter Feed
  • Drag and drop multiple files (up to 25MB apiece) to the Notes and Attachments related list
  • Installation is a breeze and takes less than 2 minutes
  • Fully supported by developers experienced with the Salesforce platform


Dragger via the Chatter Feed:


Dragger via Notes & Attachments:


Try Dragger for 21 days – free!